Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. jur, Lawyer, Certified Intellectual Property Lawyer, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney

Prof. Dr. Dr. Uwe Fitzner

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Working languages

German, English


Degree in Law from the Free University of Berlin
Degree in Chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin

Special fields

Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Microbiology, Chemical Engineering

Uwe Fitzner has been working in industrial property law since 1977. He is attorney-at-law and german patent attorney. His consultation and representation services focus on all areas of industrial property law, especially trademark, design, patent, utility model, and competition law.

His activities as scientist direct to all fields of national and international intellectual property law and in addition to the general civil law. He is the author and editor of a commentary concerning the German und International patent law. Furthermore, he is a co-author of a commentary on cost law and the author of a textbook on industrial property law.

From 1998 to 2021, he was a member of the board of the German Patent Attorneys' Bar Association. In this connection for a period of 18 years he was the chairman of the division (Abteilung IV) responsible for the observance of the professional obligations of the patent Attorneys and for the education of the Attorney in spe. Moreover, he is member of the general counsel of the German Association for the protection of intellectual property (GRUR) and member of the association of intellectual property Experts.

Since 1987, he has been involved in the training of patent attorneys for the Patent Attorneys' Chamber. From 1994 to 2021, he was a member of the examination commission for patent attorney.

Since 1994, he has been involved in teaching at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Since 2008, he has been an honorary professor in the Department of Legal Sciences at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Here, he has been involved since 1994 in the design and implementation of study programs in industrial property law, particularly in the general law studies required for patent attorney candidates. He contributed to the establishment of the Master's program in European Industrial Property Law. For many years, he has been a member of the examination commissions responsible for the study programs. Further on, he was also involved in the development of a study program for the Certificate in European Patent Litigation (EPLC). Finally, he is now a teacher since 2024 and a member of the examination board in this program.

Uwe Fitzner is happy to pass on this wealth of experience to the colleges and to Meissner Bolte's clients, especially when it comes to tailor-made innovation strategies.

