Clemens Bogedain advises and represents national and international clients with a focus on patent and copyright law.
Before joining MB, he worked for an international commercial law firm specializing in litigation in the areas of commercial litigation (automotive), intellectual property law as well as copyright and media law. He also worked for the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, where he dealt with issues relating to the international film industry and the restitution of cultural assets.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Clemens has been involved in research and teaching on a full-time and part-time basis for many years and publishes regularly in journals.
The federal political memorial foundations and the US Presidential Libraries - a legal-administrative comparison
Kunst und Recht (KUR) 2023, S. 102−111.
Open publication
The GbR as a legal consortium
Juristenzeitung (JZ) 2020, S. 982−989 (with Reiner).
Open publication
Contribution to: Günter Reiner, Commentary on §§ 264-278 HGB (Annual Financial Statements of Corporations)
Karsten Schmidt (Hrsg.), Münchener Kommentar zum HGB, 4. Auflage, Bd. 4, Verlag C. H. Beck/Vahlen, Munich 2020.
Open publication
The influence of the US Special 301 procedure on the intellectual property rights legislation of foreign states using the example of recent developments in Ukrainian copyright law
GRUR Int. 2019, S. 543−550.
Open publication
The development of rights of withdrawal and recall due to non-exercise, changed circumstances and changed convictions in copyright and publishing law
Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2019.
Open publication
Patent protection between the Kaiser and the “Führer”: The development of German patent law between 1877 and 1936
Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte (JJZG) 2017, S. 3−42.
Open publication
The partial transfer of registered trademark rights as part of corporate transactions (carve-outs)
Markenrecht − Zeitschrift für deutsches, europäisches und internationales Kennzeichenrecht (MarkenR) 2016, S. 81–88.
Open publication
“Mein Kampf”, the ‘Myth of the 20th Century’ and the ‘Goebbels Diaries’: Works by former Nazi greats in the field of tension between criminal law, copyright and future public domain
Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM) 2015, S. 205–211.
Open publication
On the threshold of the single market: the economic part of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine
WiRO 2014, S. 321–324 (with Tiede and Spiesberger).
Open publication
The antitrust law of the Republic of Montenegro at a glance
Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart) 2014, S. 316–321 (with Tiede and Luyken).
Open publication
Federal Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Law on Copyright and Related RightsFederal Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Law on Copyright and Related Rights
GRUR Int. 2014, S. 549–554 (with Tiede and Zingel).
Open publication
Copyright protection in the Republic of Montenegro
GRUR Int. 2014, S. 28–33 (with Tiede and Eckoldt).
Open publication
Intellectual Property Protection in Europe's Youngest State - Introduction to the Copyright and Patent Laws of the Republic of Kosovo
GRUR Int. 2013, S. 748–753 (with Tiede).
Open publication
The law on collecting societies in the Republic of Serbia and other innovations in Serbian copyright law
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil (GRUR Int.) 2012, S. 128–134 (with Tiede).
Open publication
Introduction to the Copyright Law of the Republic of Serbia
WiRO 2012, S. 13–17 (with Tiede).
Introduction to the product safety law of the Republic of Serbia
Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa (WiRO) 2011, S. 134–139 (with Tiede).