Start-Up Week Düsseldorf

We were there!

Start-Up Week Düsseldorf: Our event supporting: “Geistiges Eigentum für Startups!” (Intellectual property for start-ups!)

On 7 June 2024, we hosted an exciting event as part of Start-Up Week Düsseldorf.

>> Website "Start-up Week Düsseldorf"

At the "IP for start-ups" event, participants learnt why the targeted protection of innovations is of crucial importance for start-ups. This protection not only helps them to stand their ground against the competition, but also promotes the long-term value of the company. An IP portfolio can create trust among investors, potential buyers and partners and increase the valuation of the company.

In order to start building an IP portfolio at an early stage, it is important to have an overview of the different types of property rights and their costs. This allows an initial assessment to be made as to which IP right is most suitable. We also highlighted existing funding opportunities to minimize the costs for start-ups.

IP can also be enforced against competitors. We pointed out possibilities and gave practical tips on how to identify existing property rights and avoid legal disputes.

Whether you are at the beginning of your start-up or have already established your company - we can help you to protect your innovations and strengthen your start-up in the long term. Feel free to contact us for further information or specific questions on the topic. We look forward to helping you!

Niels Schuh
Ulrich Kreutzer
Patent Attorney, Dipl.-Phys.