Unique Protection for Medicinal and Plant Protection Products

Supplementary Protection Certificates

An authorisation procedure is required for medicinal products or plant protection products, so that the holder of a patent concerning the medicinal product or plant protection product can usually only commercially exploit part of the twenty-year patent term. To compensate for this, EU regulations have introduced the supplementary protection certificate ("SPC", "ESZ"). The SPC allows the protection of a medicinal product or plant protection product to be extended beyond the twenty-year term of the patent. This brochure provides a further overview of the SPC.


  • The Supplementary Protection Certificate
  • 7 “Must-Knows”
  • Fundamentals
  • Time Frame, Costs, Statistics for Germany


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* Pflichtfeld

Our experts on this topic

Dr. Lukas Bischoff

Patent Attorney, M.Sc.


Dr. Stephan Held

Patent Attorney, Dipl.-Chem.


Dr. Tobias Popp

Patent Attorney, Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc., Licensed Pharmacist
