UPC.Insights Podcast

Ihr Guide für das Einheitspatentgericht

UPC.Insights ist der Podcast von Meissner Bolte. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag führen wir Euch durch spannende Episoden, in denen wir tief in die Welt des Patentrechts eintauchen. Unsere Experten und wechselnden Gäste bringen Euch topaktuelle Informationen, Hintergrundwissen und fesselnde Diskussionen rund um den Unified Patent Court. Ab jetzt auf Englisch!

Auch auf: Spotify und YouTube

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The Jurisdiction of the UPC – How far does the UPC’s Competence reach?

Episode 25 - Join host George Walden and expert Tilman Pfrang as they look into the UPC Court of Appeal's understanding of its own jurisdiction. In this episode, we discuss two cases in which the Court of Appeal enlarged the jurisdiction of the UPC in comparison with the first instance decisions. Discover how these decisions reshape patent litigation in Europe, and gain valuable insights into the crucial question of the UPC’s competence.

File Wrapper Estoppel - An Unsettled Doctrine at the UPC

Episode 24 - How far should a patent’s prosecution history influence its interpretation in litigation? In this episode of UPC Insights, we dive into the debate over file wrapper estoppel at the Unified Patent Court. Join George Walden and the expert Tilman Pfrang as they explore the UPC’s approach to this controversial doctrine, its potential impact on claim interpretation, and how it compares to practices in the U.S., UK, and Europe. Whether you're a patentee, litigator, or just curious about the evolving dynamics of the UPC, this is an episode you won't want to miss.

What is FRAND at the UPC? - A first insight how the UPC will handle SEPs

Episode 23 - In the upcoming episode of UPC Insights, George Walden is joined by patent attorney Julian Würmser and attorney at law Moritz Bloser to discuss the latest SEP and FRAND developments at the Unified Patent Court. In a rather unexpected decision by the Mannheim Local Division, the UPC has for the first time been given the opportunity to state its position on the so-called FRAND dance and its underlying steps, as set out in the landmark 2015 ECJ judgment Huawei v ZTE. The episode will shed light on the crucial question of whether the UPC will follow the somehow established (German) case law or whether it will develop its own view on this very relevant issue of pan-European patent infringement. As the icing on the cake, the Mannheim Local Division was also asked to determine a FRAND rate between the parties. Such a FRAND determination is something that German national courts have always tried to avoid (in contrast to the UK courts, for example). Don't miss this highly significant review of the latest developments in SEP and FRAND!

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Wieso UPC Insights?

  • Experteninterviews: Vertiefende Gespräche mit herausragenden Patentexperten.

  • Aktuelle Entwicklungen: Fortwährende Aktualisierung zu den neuesten Entwicklungen im Patentwesen und UPC.

  • Verständliche Erläuterungen: Unsere Experten erklären komplexe rechtliche Themen in klarer und verständlicher Sprache, um auch Neulingen den Zugang zu erleichtern.