Patentanwalt, Dipl.-Phys., Zugelassener Vertreter vor dem UPC (European Patent Litigator), dem Europäischen Patentamt und dem Amt der Europäischen Union für geistiges Eigentum (EUIPO)

Tilman Pfrang, LL.M.


Festkörperphysik und Nanotechnologie

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Timan Pfrang




Deutsch, Englisch


Studium der Physik an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg und an der Université Joseph-Fourier in Grenoble

Master-Studium "Europäischer Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz" am Kurt-Haertel-Institut in Hagen

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Zentrum für Angewandte Energieforschung (ZAE) Bayern

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fraunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung (ISC) in Würzburg


Deutsche Patentanwaltskammerepi (Vice-Chair im Litigation Committee), FICPIEPLIT


Angewandte Physik, Festkörper-Physik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Mikro- und Nanostrukturtechnik, Beschichtungstechnik, Elektronik


Managing IP "IP Stars": Notable Practitioner 2024

Leaders League 2024: Patent Prosecution - Excellent

Sämtliche Angelegenheiten des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, insbesondere des Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-, Marken-, Design- und Lizenzrechts;
Vertretung und Beratung bei Anmeldung, Erwerb, Schutz und Durchsetzung von technischen Schutzrechten, Marken- und Geschmacksmusterrechten;
Angewandte Forschung im Bereich der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie und der Beschichtungstechnik.


Aktuelle Vorträge, Veröffentlichungen, Podcast und ähnliches:

24. Dezember 2024: The UPC Blog, "Munich Local Division Weighs in on FRAND – Huawei v. Netgear"

17. Dezember 2024: The UPC Blog, "Mannheim Local Division Delivers Landmark FRAND Decision in Panasonic v. Oppo"

12. Dezember 2024: UPC Insights - Podcast, “Equivalent patent infringement at the UPC and beyond" (guest)

10. Dezember 2024: The UPC Blog, “Common General Knowledge at the UPC – Key Lessons from the Paris Central Division"

3. Dezember 2024: The UPC Blog, „Revocation Action before the Paris Central Division – Frontloading, yes, but with common sense"

26. November 2024: The UPC Blog, "Revocation Action before the Paris Central Division – Frontloading, yes, but with common sense"

19. November 2024: The UPC Blog, "The Court of Appeal unlocks the door for Patents locked out by the Helsinki Division"

14. November 2024: epi seminar, "Case law supported by the Boards of Appeal of the EPO", Munich (moderator)

14. November 2024: UPC Insights - Podcast, “Auxiliary Requests at the UPC – the saga continues" (guest)

12. November 2024: The UPC Blog, "The Central Division Paris – Review of all granted claims if attacked and if potential claim amendments are not allowed"

5. November 2024: The UPC Blog, "The Local Division Düsseldorf – Yes, it matters where you put the "characterized in that" clause!"

31. Oktober 2024: UPC Insights - Podcast, “Auxiliary Requests at the UPC" (guest)

29. Oktober 2024: The UPC Blog, "Transparency in UPC Proceedings – Further Guidance from the Central Division Munich"

22. Oktober 2024: The UPC Blog, "Central Division Munich – auxiliary request filed after closure of the written proceedings too late, international jurisdictions to be examined ex officio, parallel German revocation action no reason to stay"

17. Oktober 2024: UPC Insights - Podcast, “The UPC and SEPs – Part II" (preparation)

16. Oktober 2024: The UPC Blog, "The Local Division Düsseldorf on how to defend as a member of a group of alleged infringers"

16. Oktober 2024: epi webinar, "EPO opposition vs. UPC revocation action" (speaker)

11. Oktober 2024: LitCom meeting, "Summary of the case law of the UPC", Munich (speaker)

09. Oktober 2024: epi seminar, "Impact of new case law on procedural aspects of appearl proceedings", Munich (moderator)

09. Oktober 2024: Podcast "INSIGHT epi - A podcast for European patent professionals", "UPC case law - Episode 2" 

8. Oktober 2024: The UPC Blog, "UPC Court of Appeal – "Frontloaded" does not mean "Super-Frontloaded""

04. Oktober 2024: UPC Insights - Podcast, “The UPC and SEPs – Part I” (preparation only)

01. Oktober 2024: The UPC Blog, “Recent Ruling on Interim Measures by the Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court – Another Must-read!”

27. September 2024: epi webinar, "Public prior use" (speaker)

26. September 2024: IP Days, "EPO opposition vs. UPC revocation action - How to get a European patent revoked", Munich (speaker)

24. September 2024: The UPC Blog, “The Court of Appeal: National and UPC Revocation Proceedings between the Same Parties Cannot Run in Parallel”

19. September 2024: Webinar, UPC Aperitivo, "Conflict between UPC and EPO revocation decisions and resolution thereof"

17. September 2024: The UPC Blog, “Munich Local Division – You shall not use boilerplate language when defending dependent claims!”

17. September 2024: Presentation at the Hungarian Chamber of Patent Attorneys, "EPO opposition vs. UPC revocation action - How to get a european patent revoked"

13. September 2024: Podcast "INSIGHT epi - A podcast for European patent professionals", "UPC case law - Episode 1"

10. September 2024: The UPC Blog, “The Central Division in Munich in how to deal with the most relevant issues of any patent (revocation) case!”

05. September 2024: UPC Insights - Podcast, “UPC and UK patent litigation in parallel”

03. September 2024: The UPC Blog, “Welcome to the UPC, Romania!”

28. August 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “Clarification and Adjustment at the Court of Appeal of the UPC– Ireland is not (yet) a Contracting State of the UPC”

22. August 2024: “UPC Insights” - Podcast, “Lessons learned from the first substantive decisions of the UPC - claim interpretation, inventive step”

20. August 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “The Nordic-Baltic Regional Division - Expedited UPC Proceedings Following Conclusion of EPO Opposition”

13. August 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “The European Commission's Amicus Curiae Brief: A Reminder for Strict Adherence to Huawei vs. ZTE in SEP Disputes”

08. August 2024: “UPC Insights” - Podcast, “UPC revocation and EPO opposition - part II”

06. August 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “UPC Munich Local Division on Novelty and Inventive Step”

30. Juli 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “The Central Division Paris on patent amendments and revocation – Defense based on an embodiment (“variant”) of a non-attacked claim admissible!”

25. Juli 2024: “UPC Insights” - Podcast, “UPC revocation and EPO opposition - part I”

23. Juli 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “The Central Division in Paris – inadmissible intermediate generalization (yes), application of problem-solution-approach (no)”

16. Juli 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “Bifurcation at the Unified Patent Court: Mannheim refers the Revocation Counterclaim to the Central Division”

11 Juli 2024: “UPC Insights” - Podcast, “The hearing of the first case filed at the central division in Paris – a detailed report and analysis”

09. Juli 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “The Paris Local Division – Infringement, Validity, Scope of Revocation Counterclaim”

02. Juli 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “The Hague Division of the Unified Patent Court Emphasizes EPO's "Gold Standard" in Added Matter Decision and Finds (Unallowable) Intermediate Generalizations”

27. Juni 2024: “UPC Insights” - Podcast, “The hearing of the first case filed at the central division in Paris - first impressions”

25. Juni 2024: „The UPC Blog“, “Report from the 1st case of the Central Division Paris - Insights from the main hearing in an isolated revocation proceedings”

18. Juni 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "UPC Court of Appeal Allows Request for Additional Written Pleadings"

13. Juni 2024: “UPC Insights” - Podcast, “The UPC frontloaded”

12. Juni 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Berufungsgericht des UPC"

11. Juni 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Unified Patent Court Clarifies Opt-Out Criteria"

06. Juni 2024: e-fellows, online event, “What does the day-to-day work of patent attorneys look like?”

04. Juni 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "UPC Court of Appeal Decides Against Staying Revocation Proceedings in Light of Pending EPO Opposition"

28. Mai 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Local Division Mannheim separates proceedings in a multi-party patent dispute"

21. Mai 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Clarifying the Boundaries of Patent Claims Interpretation: A Closer Look at UPC Court of Appeal’s Latest Decision"

16. Mai 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Die mittelbare Patentverletzung vor dem Einheitlichen Patentgericht (bzw. dem UPC)"

16. Mai 2024: Webinar, UPC Aperitivo, "UPC - A case study" (speaker)

14. Mai 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "The Central Division (Paris Seat) on the competence of the UPC – Yes we are competent!"

07. Mai 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Insights from the UPC Court of Appeal – A Firsthand Experience"

30. April 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Hamburg Local Division Addresses Options for Service in Multinational Infringement Cases"

27. April 2024: epi pre-council seminar in Sofia, "EPO opposition vs. UPC revocation action" (moderator)

26. April 2024: LitCom meeting, in Sofia, "UPC - A case study" (speaker)

23. April 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Court of Appeal Rules on Language of Proceedings - Considering the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)"

18. April 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Strategische Überlegungen zu den beim EPG bzw. UPC anfallenden Kosten"

16. April 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Court of Appeal Delivers Landmark Decision on UPC Document Transparency"

12. April 2024: Lexology, “At a glance: Patent enforcement proceedings in Germany”

12. April 2024: Lexology, “In brief: Patent prosecution in Germany”

09. April 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "The Interim Hearing at the UPC: Insights from the Front Lines"

08. April 2024: BPIP conference in Tel Aviv, "Mock client consultation - Trade secret vs. Patents" (panelist)

08. April 2024: BPIP conference in Tel Aviv, "It's been a year at the UPC - What have your learned?" (panelist)

04. April 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "'Interim hearing' beim UPC – ein Bericht aus erster Hand"

02. April 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Munich Central Division on late filing issues and cost assessment during the interim procedure"

26. März 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Hamburg Local Division – No Full Panel Review Request for Decision of the Judge Rapporteur on the Competence of the UPC"

21. März 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Forum Shopping beim Einheitlichen Patentgericht - was zubeachten ist..."

19. März 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Central Division (Munich Section) Admits Reply to Rejoinder"

12. März 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Local Division Munich – Case Management in practice"

07. März 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Besichtigungsverfahren vor dem UPC und nationalen Gerichten"

05. März 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Central Division Paris on Time Extension Requests – Upholding Stringency even in “Exceptional” Circumstances?"

27. Februar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Local Division Düsseldorf on Extension of Deadlines (II) – be aware: extensions are only to be granted in (very) exceptional cases"

22. Februar 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Einspruch und parallele Nichtigkeitsklage"

20. Februar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Local Division Düsseldorf on Extension of Deadlines (I) – a reasonable approach for a case with a high number of international defendants"

15. Februar 2024:  “Chambers, patent litigation 2024 Germany - trends and developments”

13. Februar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "The President of the Court of First Instance on Language of Proceedings - Considering the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)"

08. Februar 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Der UPC in der Praxis – Hat eigentlich einer an die SMEs gedacht?"

06. Februar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "The Standing Judge of the Court of Appeal on a Discretionary Review Request – limits of the power of the Judge Rapporteur "

30. Januar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "The Court of Appeal on Applications to Intervene - does a “legal interest” provide a legal interest? "

25. Januar 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "Der Opt-out - ein Ausrufezeichen aus dem hohen Norden Europas!"

23. Januar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "UPC Munich Local Division: A flexible and practical way of dealing with an expansion of an infringement action to a second patent in case of a limitation proceedings at the EPO "

16. Januar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, ""About costs in Preliminary injunction proceedings – the UPC’s Local Division in Munich provides clarity. - Good behavior shall pay off!"""

11. Januar 2024: "UPC Insights" - Podcast, "EP und nationales Patent – 2 UPC Fans sind sich einig!"

09. Januar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "Decoding a preliminary injunction order of the UPC’s Local Division in Munich: Jurisdiction, Claim Interpretation, and Implications. Is there a file wrapper estoppel at the UPC?"

02. Januar 2024: „The UPC Blog“, "The UPC Local Division in Munich finds: Ignoring a court order must hurt!"

19. Dezember 2023: „The UPC Blog“, "Stay of proceedings at the UPC …. Should we wait for the EPO or not?"

12. Dezember 2023: „The UPC Blog“, "Paris Central Division - What is a party and when are two parties identical?"

05. Dezember 2023: “The UPC Blog“, "The Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court … first decision, first conclusions!"

28. November 2023: „The UPC Blog“, "The opt-out from the competence of the UPC (II) … what is an action? "

24. November 2023: „The UPC Blog“, "Let us opt-out because an opt-in is always possible! …is it that convenient…?"