EPA Warnung

Vorsicht bei Zahlungsaufforderungen und Rechnungen

Das Europäische Patentamt warnt erneut vor falschen Zahlungsaufforderungen von Unternehmen, die angeblich europäische oder internationale Patrentanmeldungen registrieren oder veröffentlichen (vgl. EPA Amtsblatt Juni 2024).

Nähere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte hier.

Das EPA stellt dankenswerterweise eine Reihe von Beispielen bereit, die das Erkennen dieses Betrugsversuchs erleichtern:

ЕРТР - European Patent &Trademark Protection

Trademark Renewal Service

Patent & Trademark Bureau

EIPS – European Intellectual Property Services

EPTA - European Patent and Trademark Agency

Urząd Patentowy RP

GOIP - Intellectual Property

IPRO - Intellectual Property Registration Office

IPIO - Organization Intellectual Property

WPTD - World Patent & Trademark Database

IRO - International Registration Office

OIP - Organisation Intellectual Property

EUIP - Intellectual Property Organisation Service

European Intellectual Property Agency

World Patent & Trademark Agency

Glotrade S.R.O d.o.o.

WIPI - World Intellectual Property Institute Kft.

Intelectual Property Services

Hammond Glades






IPTA International Patent & Trademark Agency

GLOPAT - Global Patents & Trademarks

IP Direct - International Patent Trademark Directory

TPR - Trademark Publication Register

International Patent Office Application

IPWTO - Intellectual Property World Trade Organization

EPR - European Patent and Trademark Registration

GTPS - Global Trademark and Patent Service

TPP - Marken und Patent- veröffentlichungen


IP save

TPP – European Trademark & Patent Publications

TPP – Trademark and Patent Publications

IPTO – International Patent & Trademark Organization

European Patent Service Register

ETP - European Trademark Publication

R & W Stretch Ceilings Ltd.

European Patent Organization

European Patent Portal

F.O.I.P. Register of the Granted European Patents

WPTI World Patent and Trademark Index

E.C.R-Euro Central Reg.

RCE-Registre Central Européen

IPTS Service-International Patent and Trademark Service

PMS Patent und Markenservice AG

Euro IP Register

IBIP – International Bureau for Intellectual Property

EPTR European Patent and Trademark Register

International Trademark and Patent Registration

European Register of Brands and Patents

UPTS Registration of the European Patent

Patent Trademark Register

TPs trademark and Patent Service

Novislink Limited

WDTP Worldwide Database of Trademarks and Patents

IP DATA Register of European Patents

IPTR International Patent and Trademark Register

F.O.I.P – Register of the European Patent Application

EOOD Patent und Markendienst

IPTG International Patent and Trademark Guide

WIPP-World Intellectual Property Publisher

RPT Servis - world wide patent service

Registration of international patents

International Patent Portal – IPP

WIPO – World Intelligent Property Office

IPTO – International Patent & Trademark Office

WPTS – World Patent & Trademark Service

IPT Register


OPT - Organization for Patents and Trademarks

WOIP - World Organization Intellectual Property

WPTO – World Patent & Trademark Organization

EP – Euro EP Register

IPTI – International Patent & Trademark Index

TPR - Trademark Publication Register

IPO - Intellectual Property Office

TPP – European Trademark & Patent Publications

Trademarks Worldwide Ltd

IPR Europe

EUIPA - European Intellectual Property Agency

EUOIP - European Office Intellectual Property

IT Schutz

Intellectual Property World Union

IPOI - Intellectual Property Office of Ireland

EU - Brand Protection